
meditation1 How to mediTate

There are many benefits for meditating: we lower our stress levels, we can better focus and getting calmer, we're getting kinder to ourselves and others, and potentially find more joy in our daily lives.

And the good news is, meditating is not difficult.

But there are a couple of tips to remember:

  • Be in an environment where you have less distractions so that you can go inward.
  • Set a timer. And best use a guided meditation to learn quickly
  • Sit comfortable regardless if you are sitting on a chair or a cushion, but keep your spine straight
  • If there is no guidance available, start with feeling your breath as you breath in and out.
  • If you get distracted, simply bring yourself back, without any judgement
  • Repeat daily if possible, even a few minutes can make a difference

And finally, according to Tara Brach the ultimate goal of meditation is to become more mindful in everything we do not just when sitting on the cushion.

meditation chair

Meditation Postures – on a chair

  1. Sit on the center of the seat. Your back should be straight and not touching the back of the chair.
  2. Your feet should rest flat on the floor, parallel to one another and about shoulders' width apart.
  3. There should be roughly three right angles in your body when viewed from the side: the right angle between your back and your thighs, the one between your thighs and your shins, and finally the one between your shins and your feet.
  4. Tuck in your chin slightly so that the crown of your head rises toward the ceiling and you achieve some vertical extension of your spine.
  5. With your chin tucked in, your gaze should naturally fall on the floor about 15 feet or 5 meters in front of you.
  6. (a) Place your hands flat on your thigh.
  7. (b) Place the edge of your right hand with the palm up, against the center of your abdomen, just above your pubic bone. Let it rest there naturally with an open palm. Place your left hand, again with the palm up, directly on top of your right palm. Join your thumb tips together gently so that the line of your connected thumbs creates an elegant rainbow arc.